January 6, 2009

NYE Shenanigans?

Because I blacked out well before midnight, I would like to hear any stories from NYE if anything of interest happened. I know Free had a creeper of a night, and I know he or someone did enough to get us kicked out of our $260 hotel room which was later comped. Love good customer service! Here is my recollection of my NYE:

5:30 - Arrive at the hotel, but immediately go to Chipotle to eat a burrito. Way more onions than I expected are on this burrito. Eat maybe a third of it. Hope that this all you can drink/eat has good food b/c that will have to be my dinner, b/c I'm quite hungry.

6:15 - Get to the room.

6:15.30 - Crack open first Busch Light.

6:18 - Crack open second Busch Light.

6:22 - Third.

6:30 - Talk about the amount of ass we are NOT going to get tonight and what "outfits" we are going to wear. Yes, Joe called his an outfit.

6:30.45 - Fourth Busch Light.

6:40 - Get dressed.

6:45 - Fifth Busch Light.

6:50 - Sixth Busch Light. Out of Busch Light (b/c I'm Jewish and didn't bring a full case, only the half that I hadn't previously drank), didn't want to drink Free's Miller Lite b/c it's piss.

6:51 - Tell everyone in the room we need to go to the bar so I can drink.

7:30 - Finally head to the bar.

7:32 - Walking in the frigid cold to the bar b/c we couldn't wait 15 min. for a shuttle and no booze.

7:38 - Arrive at bar.

7:39 - Skip out on paying $75 fee for all you can drink. I'm awesome!

7:39.02 - Order a Red Bull/Vodka (it's a half and half)

7:41 - Order second Red Bull/Vodka. Find out all you can eat is chicken wings and mini tacos. Decide I will drink my dinner tonight.

7:45 - Can't hear the music I slaved over. "What the FUCK!"

7:50 - 8:30 - Watch people fuck with stereo until it will not work at all! Grab anywhere from 5 to 17 more Red Bull/Vodkas. Owner of bar starts to worry that we ruined his setup.

8:35 - A single speaker is jerry rigged to play the music louder than it was played on by the bar's 7 other speakers. It's a miracle. I can now dance like a retarded gay man.

8:36 - Some order's "Jager Bombs". Straight Jager. Fuck! Night begins to decline.

8:37-10:00 - Countless shots and/or Red Bull/Vodkas are consumed.

10:00 on - ? No fucking remembrance of what transpired ? Seriously, zero. I actually think I forgot the events even before this time, but this is a rough estimate.

5:00am - Wake up cuddling two other males, not a female in sight. My gay retard dancing worked!

5:15am - Bangs on the door. I yell to who's about to answer, "don't answer that, knocks on the door at this time means we're in trouble!"

5:15.10 - My intuitions are correct and it's three cops and a hotel security guard.

5:16 - 5:30 - Drunkenly and tiredly trying to gather all of our belongings. False threats and F-bombs are dropped liked 'ands' and 'thes'. The cops are not impressed and get even more pissed then they were previously, and are no longer patient with anyone in the room. Go to the bathroom and see I have three decent sized cuts/scabs on my face and two awesome knots on my forehead. My left pinkie is completely purple and is swollen. I think to myself, "What in the hell did i do?" Also, I find roughly 6 bottles of Grey Goose strewn about the room. Apparently, the Geese dropped them from the sky like babies, b/c they were not there at the beginning of the night.

5:35 - Someone asks the cops outside of the hotel if they'll give us breathalyzers so we can drive home legally. The cop says they don't have one in the car and that no one will pull us over. These cops are NOT trustworthy and a friend calls his parents to pick us up. We sleep on their floor.

11:00am - I am no longer cuddling dudes. I am cuddling the fuck out of a 6 lb dog.

11:05 - Drive to Burger King, grab a #1 and head to learn of my misfortunes. Find out I got beat up by a girl with a nightstand and that the grey goose bottles were "comped" along with the room! At least we got about $400 out of the night!

This is seriously the only moments I remember of that night. Ten o'clock to five in the morning are no longer present in my memory. At least I didn't have to pay for everything I missed!

And finally, this video is appropriate for more than the reasons listed above:


  1. After writing the above post I went to edit something in it and saw that a few of you started posts but didn't finish them. If you do want to finish your post, or want to post in the future make sure you hit publish post before exiting your browser or whatever. The site automatically saves what you write about every thirty seconds, so they'll come up as drafts when I check them. This site will be more enjoyable for all if everyone provides shit. I can't provide all the excitement, b/c well, I am a loser and have little to write about.

    Also I almost pulled off an awesome freeze using my bent head as the third point of contact. Unfortunately, a rather loud pop occurred after so I fell to the ground in great pain. My brother found this hilarious, I did not!

    Sick beats, brah!

  2. I don't remember anything either. I do know that I did check my credit card statement today and there is a $3.50 charge from the Sidebar. If you are wondering why it is only $3.50...well that is because I gave that stupid Ashley bitch a $0.00 or 0% tip!!!!

    Chad, if I were to want to add something to this thing, like a totally new story, how do I go about doing that?

  3. I just re-invited you to be an author. I think all you have to do is accept it and sign in and then you can post whatever you want.

  4. And, by the way, my forehead still hurts. I think I cracked my skull. Tell your wifey thanks!

  5. I will be sure to do that tonight. I will again aplogize for her busting you up.

    My Bad Dawg!!!
