January 16, 2009

Mike Tyson Documentary


Saw this over on FilmDrunk. I don't know if this video will load properly, if not just copy and paste the link if interested. Apparently there is a documentary of Mike Tyson premiering at Sundance. Is it just me or does Mike Tyson seem dumber? I don't know if it's possible, but I think he took too many shots to the head. I'm sure this film is going to be pretty interesting, but if they are using interviews with Tyson as the majority of it, I don't think I could sit there for an hour and a half without pulling out my hair.

So, I did a bit of research, and no. He's always been that dumb... and scary. I feel your pain Mike.

1 comment:

  1. Best quote ever? "I'll fuck you till you love me, you faggot!" Wow!
