January 6, 2009


I would just like to take this opportunity to remind all of you that one of the greatest shows in the history of cable television starts up again tonight! You guessed it, Nip/Tuck, starts its new season tonight on FX at both 9 and 10 p.m.

For those of you that watch it, I hope that you are as excited as me. I just hope that Sean survives the brutal stabbing that he took at the end of last season. As much as I hope that Sean survives....I hope that Eden continues her role as one of the hottest actresses of all time.

If you have never seen the show, give it a chance tonight. I promise that it will be well worth your time.

Check out the website if you would like to get a refresher on what happened at the end of last season.



  1. This picture inspired the above post. I love her so much! But is she hotter than my dream woman Adrianna?

  2. She is absolutely hotter than Adrianna. Now if you had asked if she was hotter than Alessandra (Ambrosia?) that would have been up for debate.

    If you saw her in the Smirnoff "commercial" things last night, there should be no doubt in your mind about who is better looking.

    For those of you that know the show:

    Who would you rather, Kimber or Eden?

  3. Got the link to the awesomness from Benninger's g-chat. Stopped watching this show about two seasons ago when it completely jumped the shark and went off the deep end. Now it just makes no sense what so ever and they just have weird shit going on. I wouldn't kick Eden out of bed for eating crackers, but I have to go with Kimber. Boyle, if you are obsessed with Eden, then you'll enjoy these beach shots. And she is in no way hotter than Adrianna, who I would let drop a deuce on my chest. She is very lacking in the chesticle department.


    -Joe the Policeman from the 'What's goin down' episode of "That's My Momma!" aka Randy Watson

  4. I agree on the Adrianna comment and the show going to shite comment. The first season and the Carver season were awesome. Now it's not even reasonable. It's so far from reality it was bad to watch last season. However, I did watch it last night, and it was fine until Christian developed breast cancer and he had to stop having sex b/c he was giving an exam in mid thrust.

    As far as Eden, isn't she on 90210 too?
